The film Leon direceted by french director Luc Besson was set in New Yorks City Little Italy This gets shown in the opening scene were the camera shot zooms into a road sign saying 'little italy'. The story bases around a 12 year old little girl named matilda and a hitman who refers himself to a 'cleaner' called Leon. Throughout the film you gradually see the two charactors relationship develop as the pair start to bond. A building in one of the main busy streets were Leon lives is were the film is mainly based on showing all the action and drama. The city itself is very busy full of loads of people, which is a good place to set the film as there would be a range of buildings and other places to hide as Leon is a hitman. Also the reason that the buidling they live in is flat because its a way of the two charactors to meet as they live down the hall way from eachother.
The lighting used in the film changes depending on what mood the scene is based on. For example when the charactors are walking through New York its normal daylight, showing a happy, normal mood. Then if Leon is on one of his missions the mood changes and the lighting goes dark and gloomy showing that he is up to no good doing something that he shouldnt. There is also a few sopt lights shown in defferent scenes focusing on Leon when hes hiding from some one or about to jump out at someone.
This few uses very unusual props that got me and other veiwers thinking what they are meant for. The main prop used in this film is a house plant that Leon as that he prefers to at the beginning of his film as his best friend , he takes it everywere with him and brings it in the house at night to clean and puts it outside on the window ledge every morning without fail. You see him even take it to the hotel that he stays at over a period of days. However at the end of the film a scene shows Leon planting the plant which shows freedom and that he has more in life now then just his 'bestfriend'. Another prop used was 'milk' it showed Leon drinking this all the time and showed him making Matilda drink it aswell, im not really sure why milk was used as it didnt really get explained.
The music used in this film varies from which mood the scene is based around. For example if the cahractors are in a good happy mood the music would be joyful, or if something bad and mischeif is happening then the music turns to mysterious slow music. Most of the music used is non-diegetic however there is also some diegetic music used aswell.
There are many different camera shots and angles used throughout the film, as Leon is a hitman showing Matilda how she can be one, they stand at the top of many building showing long shots of the rest of the city and below them on the streets. There is also close up of the charactors faces when there showing a certain expression so that the veiwer can really tell how there feeling without saying anything. It also shows a shot from looking through the gun before Matilda shots someone running. This shows that she was looking at the person from her point of veiw.
Overall i found this film very enjoyable to watch. Its the first time ive seen it but i would defitntly reccomend it to a friend and would watch it again myself. I liekd watching the two charactors relationship develop and also Leons feelings come out gradually as before he didnt show any emotion .
:) :)
Well done Hayley, this is an excellent and thorough review, I am really impressed!